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Berlinde De Bruyckere. Khorós

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Bozar presents a large-scale solo exhibition featuring the work of Berlinde De Bruyckere (b. 1964, Ghent) for the first time. Humanity and the condition humaine are at the core of her compelling oeuvre. De Bruyckere draws on various sources of inspiration: Christian iconography, classical mythology, the works of the Flemish masters and cultural lore. She introduces these influences into a contemporary context; the violence that surrounds us, the images of human suffering on a global scale, but also the beauty and hope for change.
In Khorós De Bruyckere presents a selection of her works from the past 25 years, in dialogue with works of kindred artists – her compagnons de route” as she calls them. The Greek Khorós (χορ?ς) refers to the group of singers/​dancers in Greek tragedies. The exhibition is thus conceived as an interplay of voices, shared themes and dialogues. It features works by, among others, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Peter Buggenhout, Patti Smith, and Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Buy the Berlinde De Bruyckere: Khorós catalogue, published by Bozar Books & Mercatorfonds.
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