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Lukas Sternath - Rising Star

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Concert Croissant #11

A real revelation at the 71st ARD International Music Competition in 2022, Lukas Sternath (°2001) won not only first prize but also seven special prizes (!), including the Audience Prize and Best Performance of a Commissioned Composition. As part of his ECHO Rising Star tour of Europe’s great concert halls, the Viennese pianist brings together two of the 20th century’s great figures. A masterpiece of purity and apparent simplicity, György Ligeti’s Arc-en-ciel etude seems to suspend time with its slow pulse and ethereal atmosphere, like Erik Satie’s mysterious Gnosiennes and Gymnopédies. L’escalier du diable of Ligeti is the perfect counterpoint, with its perpetually rising melodic movement and frantic tempo. Finally, there’s the creation of a work by the celebrated violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja, whose talents as a composer are still too little known. A discovery not to be missed! 
Rising Stars is a project of the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO). Lukas Sternath has been nominated by the Musikverein Wien, the Wiener Konzerthaus and the Philharmonie Luxembourg.