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The Village Next to Paradise by Mo Harawe

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Single father Mamargade lives with his son Cigaal in a windswept Somalian desert village, constantly threatened by drone strikes. He works as a handyman and grave digger, or as his sister Araweelo puts it: social work.” Due to the war on terror, a drone attack could happen anytime, and while these bombings cause innocent deaths, they also provide Mamargade with extra income. When the attacks stop, he takes a job that risks his family’s wellbeing.
This timeless story of love, sacrifice, and dedication is beautifully captured by cinematographer Mostafa El Kashef. The first Somali film at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, it was hailed as one of the most surprising debuts, marking a new era for Somali cinema.
Born in Mogadishu, Mo Harawe found his passion for cinema through art school in Somalia. Since moving to Austria in 2009, his filmmaking journey began. In 2020, he began a master’s in Visual Communication at Kassel University and made two short films shot in Somalia. Life on the Horn (2020) received a special mention at Locarno and was shown at several festivals. His short Will My Parents Come and See Me (2022) premiered at Berlinale Shorts. The Village Next to Paradise (2024) had its world premiere at Cannes and won the best Austrian film award at the Viennale.