La Maison des Arts
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The MdA is run and staffed by the Francophone Cultural Service of Schaerbeek Council and is a unique place whose activities are mainly concerned with the creation of works of contemporary art with a significant partnership programme that promotes access for all to contemporary art. The MdA has hosted a rich programme of artistic activities since the 1950s when the building was purchased by Schaerbeek Council. In 2005, the MdA began a programme of inviting artists to work in building, to build more coherence between their works of art and the MdA. Most recently, in 2016, Schaerbeek Council decided to position the MdA as a centre for the creation, diffusion and promotion of culture, contemporary two-dimensional, three-dimensional and digital art. The MdA’s educational and social approach aims to promoting equality of access to art and its introduction to new audiences.