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Today, 184 nationalities live together in Brussels. Together they form this cosmopolitan region. The Belgians form the largest group, followed by the French, the Romanians and the Moroccans. Every day new people arrive and others leave. They all have their dreams, hopes and stories. These stories colour the story of Brussels. The MIGRATIEMUSEUMMIGRATION gives a permanent home to the stories of the first generation of guest workers, of the earliest inhabitants of the Petit-Château, of the expats, the war refugees, the Europeans who move freely within the EU and many others. It is a warm environment where visitors can discover Brussels and the lives of others through memories and souvenirs. Above all, it is a museum with plenty of room to share your own story. The MIGRATIEMUSEUMMIGRATION will never be finished. In this way, the museum is also a symbol of the constant dynamism of Brussels.