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MIMA will close its doors after 9 years of existence

Emilia Van Roy

The Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art, better known as MIMA, will sadly close its doors after 9 years, 17 exhibitions, and over 400,000 visitors.

The main reasons for the closure of this well-established institution in the Brussels museum scene are the decline in visitor numbers, which led to a drop in ticket revenues, and the uncertainty regarding the duration of the works on the quays, preventing any prospects for recovery.

The current exhibition by the Portuguese artist Vhils will nevertheless continue as planned until its scheduled end date on January 5, 2025.
MIMA is also participating in Museum Night Fever on October 19, with dance tours that fuse traditional and modern rhythms.
Don’t hesitate to visit MIMA as a gesture of support and recognition for the excellent work their team has provided so far!

As a federation, Brussels Museums deplores this closure, which is due in particular to a lack of resources and the absence of clear prospects communicated sufficiently in advance.
Brussels Museums reminds that it is the federation of Brussels museums and, as such, is a key interlocutor on museum-related matters, offering information, recommendations, data and expertise.