Our projects

Green Museum

Green Museum is a project that raises awareness and supports museums in their transition towards more sustainable management and cultural tourism. 


Specifically, Green Museum aims to encourage museums to:

  • Work with local suppliers 
  • Recycle and prioritise short supply chains 
  • Consider waste management from the start of exhibitions 
  • Optimise the management and conservation of collections 
  • Chose responsible digital transitions 
  • Improve energy consumption 
  • Share services, activities, and expenses


In practice, Green Museums organises training, thematic working groups, individual support, and sharing of information: 

  • The platform SamenDurable, a collaboration between Brussels Museums, RAB/BKO and La Concertation. SamenDurable reaches over 300 sociocultural organisations and offers training, information, workshops, working groups, and best practice exchanges.
  • Two working groups studying sustainable digital practices and eco-design with tailored advice for museums, organised in collaboration with EventChange.
  • Museums participating in our events Museum Night Fever and the Nocturnes, adhere to a sustainability charter (waste sorting, choosing local suppliers…). Brussels Museums also organises a meet & greet with more than 100 local artists to develop a real Brussels” programmation for Museum Night Fever.
  • Newsletter and intranet voor Brussels Museums’ members with best practices, advice, training…
  • The project RE-ORG, a collaboration with KIK-IRPA, the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, ICOM Wallonie-Bruxelles and Urban.Brussels. RE-ORG offers individual support to museums to optimize their collections management.
  • The label Green Key’: Brussels Museums is part of the jury of the Green Key label to encourage museums to advance their sustainable development.

You too can play a role in this transition to more sustainable tourism. How? 

By choosing nearby, low-impact activities, like… visiting a museum!


Green Museum is seeking funding and doesn’t have dedicated Project Manager yet. The missions and actions above are carried out by several colleagues.

In the meantime, for any questions or to support the project, please contact the director Julien Staszewski.