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Performance Hélène Moreau

  • Exhibitions
Le Bruit de l’échantillonneuse, performance by Hélène Moreau 18.01.2025 – 15:30 edition, wooden cases, multiplex, textiles, colour prints on paper, steel, copper, concrete, ceramic Le Bruit de l’échantillonneuse – partition de lecture […]>

Le Bruit de l’échantillonneuse, performance by Hélène Moreau
18.01.2025 - 15:30
edition, wooden cases, multiplex, textiles, colour prints on paper, steel, copper, concrete, ceramic

Le Bruit de l’échantillonneuse - partition de lecture is a collection of textual collages produced as part of a cycle of installations and photographs initiated in 2018. Through a subtle montage of excerpts from literary texts that call on construction, gesture and matter, the artist develops a device intended for different types of reading: public or private, in a group or alone, aloud or silently, while offering an insight into the sources and ramifications of her practice that allows her to unfold the imagination of her plastic proposals.

One of the fourteen texts in this edition is the subject of a reading-performance at Centrale. In this version, the elements of the installation are deployed, taken out of its transport box, a temporary composition on the ground, in transit, perhaps in transition. The forms resonate with the text, the work of wood and metal, the work of women in the factory and in the home.

Hélène Moreau previously exhibited at Centrale as part of Performance d’affichage.>