Our exclusive events and discount actions for Young Opera members

Open rehearsals, extra discount offers, personal encounters with artists, screenings, drinks: as a member of Young Opera, you enjoy access to numerous events throughout the season. They take you backstage, improve your opera knowledge, broaden your perspective on the art form, and bring you in touch with other young La Monnaie aficionados. And all that for just a few euros or even completely free of charge.

Open rehearsal Mahler Symphony 8
7.3.2025 • 14:00-17:00 • Henry Le Bœuf Hall (BOZAR) • €5

Gustav Mahler’s Eighth Symphony is one of the most monumental scores in the repertoire: its performance requires an extraordinarily large orchestra, two mixed choruses, a children’s chorus and eight soloists! But as impressive as the orchestra is how Mahler exploits his abundant means. Using a broad spectrum of colour and expression, the composer paints a symphonic universe that seems to transcend the earthly in its search for other places.

The two concerts are almost sold out, but as a member of Young Opera, you can attend the dress rehearsal led by Music Director Alain Altinoglu on Friday afternoon, 7 March, in BOZAR’s Henry Le Bœuf Hall (Rue Ravenstein 23)!